In preparation for the next length of canal to be excavated we need to remove the trees and other unwanted growth that have taken root on the canal side of the original (and still existing) hedgerow after bridge 62 and the current winding hole terminus.
Before we can even think about having any machinery on site and starting to dig we need to clear back to the original hedgerow so that the diggers have no obstacles and can create the correct profiles needed for the canal channel and towpath.
With it being around 55 years since the closure of this section of canal as you can imagine there are some very well established trees etc and we are going to need as many volunteers as possible to complete this task in a timely fashion.
A small group of us have began work on this area but despite creating a rather large pile of cuttings already we have still got a very long way to go and really need your help to achieve this if we are going to be able to continue as planned.
This is the big work party that we have all been waiting for and the next phase of restoration cannot start until this work has been achieved!