Ongoing Opportunities

Information Board Upkeep

When: Ongoing Where: Marston Junction (Start of Canal) to Ilott Wharf Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Along the length of the canal from the beginning at Marston Junction all the way up to Ilott Wharf (past the current terminus) there are a number of information boards, all cared for by the ACA that require constant maintenance/upkeep. These information boards are treated specifically with ‘Dark Brown Barrettine Wood Protective Treatment’ to protect…Find Out More

Bench Upkeep

When: Ongoing Where: Bridge 15 (Lime Kilns) to Bridge 62 (Current Terminus) Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Along the length of the canal from Bridge 15 (near the Lime Kilns Pub on the A5) all the way up to Bridge 62 (the current terminus) there are a number of benches, all cared for by the ACA that require constant maintenance/upkeep. These benches are treated specifically with ‘Dark Brown Barrettine Wood Protective Treatment’…Find Out More