We have just received a delivery of 420 saplings from The Woodland Trust. We need to plant these ASAP as they will not survive if not planted quickly. We really hope that you will be able to attend to help us with this task.
If you have not volunteered with us before we welcome volunteers of all ages and abilities to come along and give us a hand, have an opportunity to socialise with other volunteers and find out what we have planned for the future. Give as little or as much time as you can spare. We will be around most of the day but you don’t have to stay for the whole day unless you want to.
The tools required this time for planting the trees will be mostly just spades. You are welcome to bring any suitable tools that you may have although this is not required as we have tools available on site for you to use.
It is advisable to wear suitable clothing for whatever the forecast is on the day and also to wear sensible footwear. There may still be some overgrowth in some areas around where we will be working so please bear in mind there are a lot of thorns/stingers etc so take necessary precautions.
It is a good idea to bring yourself a packed lunch and any other refreshments that you will require. We will provide hot drinks but you are welcome to bring your own should you prefer.
As always we look forward to seeing some new faces and catching up with old friends.
Meeting at Snarestone Wharf at 10am and work takes place on site.
Below is a video from the Woodland Trust about how to plant a tree that you may like to watch prior to attending: